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Dental Diet Advice in Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire

Taking care of your general health and your mouth is the key to making the most of your smile.

Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and having regular dental check-ups at Freedom Dental can help keep your teeth healthy. However your diet, smoking and drinking alcohol can also have an effect on your dental health.

A healthy diet is good for your teeth

What you eat and drink can cause tooth decay, so a healthy diet is important for your teeth.

A healthy, balanced diet includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, as well as starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta (choose wholegrain versions and eat potatoes with their skin where possible).

You should also eat sources of protein such as meat, fish, eggs, beans or other non-dairy proteins, and some milk and dairy foods (ideally lower fat options).

Only eat small amounts of food and try to avoid drinks high in fat and sugar.

Reduce sugar to prevent tooth decay

Limiting the amount of sugar you eat and drink is important to prevent tooth decay. A lot of the sugars we eat and drink are in food and drinks such as:

  • Sweets, chocolate, cakes and biscuits
  • Sugary drinks, including soft drinks, fizzy drinks, milky drinks with added sugar, and alcohol
  • Fruit juice, including fresh fruit juice
  • Buns, pastries and fruit pies
  • Sponge puddings and other puddings
  • Sugary breakfast cereals, jams, marmalades, honey and syrups
  • Ice cream and sorbets
  • Dried fruit or fruit in syrup

Try to cut down on the added sugar you have in your diet and keep any sugary foods or drinks you may have to mealtimes. When snacking between meals it is important to try and completely cut out sugary products. Always read the labels of food and drinks you are consuming to look out for hidden sugars in what otherwise may be branded as healthy products.

Eat right for a whiter smile

Some substances, foods and drinks can stain your teeth. Wine, cigarette smoke, tea and coffee are all teeth-staining culprits. Keep them to a minimum to stop your teeth becoming stained.

The hygienist at Freedom Dental will be able to give your teeth a professional clean, which may help reduce the staining.

If you want to find out about other options, such as tooth whitening, contact Freedom Dental on 0161 486 6821. Alternatively you can send an email or simply fill out the form on this page.


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